Phòng, chống tham nhũng



Phòng, chống tham nhũng (PCTN) là yêu cầu cần thiết và song hành trong hoạt động quản lý tài sản của Nhà nước, của cơ quan, tổ chức và đơn vị. Pháp luật về PCTN đã được Nhà nước quan tâm ban hành và sửa đổi, bổ sung qua nhiều năm. Ngày 20/11/2018, Quốc hội đã thông qua luật mới về PCTN, thay cho Luật được ban hành năm 2005. Luật PCTN năm 2018 có hiệu lực từ ngày 01/7/2019. Luật mới quy định chi tiết và đầy đủ hơn về các nội dung như xung đột lợi ích; việc chuyển đổi vị trí công tác của người có chức vụ, quyền hạn; việc kê khai tài sản, thu nhập; xử lý việc tặng quà và nhận quà tặng; trách nhiệm giải trình; xây dựng định mức, tiêu chuẩn. Để Luật mới có thể đi vào cuộc sống ngay khi có hiệu lực, Chính phủ đã ban hành Nghị định số 59/2019/NĐ-CP quy định chi tiết một số điều và hướng dẫn thi hành Luật PCTN.

Như vậy, Luật PCTN năm 2018 là cơ sở pháp lý quan trọng cho công tác đấu tranh phòng, chống tham nhũng và chống lãng phí ở các cơ quan, tổ chức, đơn vị. Ban Thanh tra và Kiểm định chất lượng trân trọng giới thiệu đến toàn thể công chức, viên chức, người lao động và người học của trường các tài liệu và văn bản có liên quan đến PCTN:

Luật Phòng, chống tham nhũng năm 2018_Xem văn bản tại đây

Nghị định số 59/2019/NĐ-CP ngày 01/7/2019 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết một số điều và hướng dẫn thi hành Luật Phòng, chống tham nhũng_Xem văn bản tại đây


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School Life

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.


A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.


A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.

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Fall 2019 applications are now open

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.

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The Campaign for the Kingster University is the largest fundraising campaign in history. With a historic $1 billion goal, the campaign is expanding U of T’s global leadership capacity.

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the cannabis experience is something we love to share with our clients

A space for those who are cannabis connoisseurs

Our goal is to foster wellness and safety

Our cafe offers the opportunity to experience cannabis

The Cania team values the power of education and community to cultivate meaningful, shared experiences that inspire and enhance your life.

You’ll find our budtenders and baristas try to establish a positive impact on the future through the promotion of harm reduction, social responsibility and the empowerment of our patrons and neighbours.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

We focused on modern design

Architecture is about experience, not only visual

As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end. We achieve this through close collaboration with all members of the project team, including consultants, contractors, trades and artisans.

Architecture & Planning

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.

Construction & Building

Our design combines exuberance and rigor, modernism and urbanism. With each project, whether urban or rural, we consider the larger framework in which the building fits—the living context.